Best Excuses to Leave Raids!

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Best Excuses to Leave Raids!

Postby Arly » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:08 am

We need some laughs around here, all this srs raiding bizniss goin on and all...So feel free to post the random shit people come up with to AFK/Leave a raid.

Some classic Agony moments:

"Oh shit, a spider just bit my toe!"

"Someone just got shot in my front yard!"

"I haven't DCd since the BBQ"
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Postby Spaztik » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:46 am

In my last guild, a new resto shammy app ( i think was like 17 years old) talked to all the keepers when we were on our way to general and yogg and were doing hard mode to get my mace. Everyone bitched him out, he didn't say any thing for like 5 min. Then said... afk hospital in raid.. and whispered me that he forgot his grandma had her breast cancer surgery and she needed a ride home from the hospital... it was 11:45 on a Sunday night. /gkick

I was pretty pissed I had to wait another week for my mace. But it was pretty damn funny.

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Postby Xephos » Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:06 am

Back when I played my shaman, we had a Holy Paladin that would auto follow people during trash pulls in Naxx. Because he worked all day and was tired, many many times he would fall asleep at the computer while still on auto follow.

So we didnt really get a weird excuse, he would just go to sleep without saying anything...luckily it was just Naxx and not really progression
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Postby Karsa » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:02 pm

AFK cops at the door.
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Postby Luhed » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:24 pm

"Mind your own f***ing business."

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Postby Doomsayer » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:37 pm

"i just got my front tooth knocked out by a girl!"

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Postby Kommisar » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:56 pm

"Shit, my trees are on fire"
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Postby Snowblight » Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:48 am

how about the ever-classic "I'm going to bed so i can wake up at 6am" ... re=related

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Postby Gonz » Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:37 am

In Vindication, there was this one guy who said, "Shit guys, lawn's on fire, i gotta go!" From there on out whenever someone left in the middle of a raid, it was considered a "Lawn Fire".

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Postby Minxie » Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:09 am

Once we had a female shadow priest AFK and say "Umm.. I gotta go. I think some kids are killing a dog."

20 minutes later she came back and said, "Nevermind, it was a girl laughing."
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Postby Vorssell » Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:00 pm

i was in a raid once were one of our mages, like litterally in the middle of a CC heavy pull in TK was all like, dude some girls getting rapped across the street...ima call the cops real quick and make sure she survives, and then just up and leaves like RIGHT as the tank pulled, the entire raid wiped cuz the one CC mob (i think it was kael trash...back when it was like, if a sheeped or feared mob gets loose its a wipe) but yeah the one CC mob just 1 shotted all the healers and nobody could get it under control

they had to wait like 20 minutes for him to come back because they had NO other mages or walocks to CC this mob, and he came back and was all like, yeah its all good...she was getting rapped but i think it was cuz she deserved it or something

i know right?! wtf......i think it was the same guy who was like, "brb somebody just got shot on my front lawn"

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Postby Xephos » Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:08 pm

Vorssell wrote:yeah its all good...she was getting rapped but i think it was cuz she deserved it or something

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Postby Arly » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:20 pm

Vorssell, was this mage your neighbor?

Actually, was it you?!?!?

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Postby Guljit » Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:24 pm

I was running a heroic back in BC with Paldail and Hyper and used the gem
"AFK bear at door" or something like that. There was, in fact, a bear at my back door, having a late night snack from our trash cans. This was surprising as I live in the city.

Vorssell wrote:...she was getting rapped but i think it was cuz she deserved it or something


Vors, you also had some gems as I recall.
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Postby Vorssell » Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:13 pm

yes arly, that mage was myself

and yes guljit, i realized ive had my share of gems in the day...but i cant help it if people from newark are crazy! all though ive never had any bears at my door...once when i was raiding with ressurection on ravencrest i DID have beer show up at my door, i didnt tell anybody, a cube wasnt clicked on mag...everybody died and the words WHAT THE FUCK!! from my raid leader echoed through me house

i think ive just had the standard AFKs in agony though.....wich is surprising because i never had the sex afk with them, like i did that once or twice in ordo, i pist caoin or somebody of that rank and was like, afk i got pussy, and id be gone for like 20-30 minutes...if you remember those

but in agony, i just did it right there and then while raiding, id like to point out that i once did brutallus with the guild while having sex, thank you very much.....if anybody can top that shit i invite you to try

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