iPod/MP3 player

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iPod/MP3 player

Postby Burlatin » Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:12 am

The time has come to buy myself something nice with some money i've saved up, and i'd really like to have some sort of mp3 player so I can listen to music on the go. I'd like to get an ipod because of the ease and accessibility since almost everyone I know uses itunes.

Getting to the point, does anyone have an ipod or good quality mp3 player they no longer use or would be interested in selling? I have a spending limit of $200. I'm just trying to leave myself with plenty of options and saving some cash.

Allow me to re-introduce myself
My name is Hov', OH, H-to-the-O-V
I used to move snowflakes by the O-Z
I guess even back then you can call me
CEO of the R-O-C, Hov!

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